About Big Charts
Hi, I’m Alvin Chang. I’m a journalist who tells interactive stories. I’m an assistant professor at the New School teaching data and visual journalism. Most recently I was head of visuals and data at the Guardian US, and I’ve also worked at the Wall Street Journal, Vox, the Connecticut Mirror, Boston Globe, and ESPN.
One of the most frequent questions I get is: How did you make that story? So this newsletter is about documenting the process for people who are interested in visual storytelling.
The content will often be about the intersection of several disciplines – journalism, design, data, code, interaction, illustration, animation, and more.
All posts are free, but I’m grateful for paid subscriptions because they really do support my work.
A little about myself: I grew up in Kansas and was raised by first-generation Korean immigrants. I have a master’s degree from NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program, where I worked on my favorite non-journalistic project, The Listserve. I now live in Brooklyn.